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How Important is "Show & Tell"?

Many business owners have products to offer. When marketing or advertising those products, it is important to do as much "show & tell" as possible.

Remember when you were young and in school and a teacher would say - next week we'll have show & tell day? And the students would bring in an object they wanted to show to the other students as well as tell them about.

The idea of using that same technique in your marketing is of great value to your clients. If you have a product line, select one you will feature and ensure it is in the picture you use as you are speaking about its characteristics. This suggests you use a video platform so you can show & tell most easily at the same time.

Joanne Weiland Says:
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 8:32 AM
Joanne Weiland Says:
Monday, September 12, 2016 4:59 PM
Love it - Show & Tell - remember when we were in Kindergarden? Great video!

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