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Tell a Story - Make a Point!

Everyone has a story! Whether it is a personal story or one related to your business, it is important to get that story out to your audience, be it in-person or over a virtual transmission.

If done effectively, telling your story will make the point to your listeners and grab their attention. When I present this technique or am training professionals in its use, I use the metaphor of sitting around a campfire and telling stories.

If you keep your story succinct and yet colorful & creative, people will be drawn into both the setting of your adventure as well as get the message you're imparting.

The next time you get a chance to present, during your practice sessions, imagine yourself around the campfire while your fellow communicators are listening attentively.

Here's a sample of some training I did for an inventors council in Pinellas county, Florida and it applies to you as well as them.

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