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The Critical 6 D's

Today take a cold hard look at that to-do list in front of you – the one you live by. Give it a good scrutinization with the specific intention of eliminating 3 things. Ask yourself, what can be dumped? What can be delegated? What can I just decline to take on – quit saying ‘yes’ to every request? What can be delayed? And what can be done immediately to move it off the list? Each day greet your list with the same tough stance and determination to regain control of life rather than have life control you!


And if you find you need help – call a coach! I’ll be waiting to help. I'll even gift you 30 minutes to get you started. J

Bobbi Gemma, MCC  727-784-3181;

Kathy Pabst Robsahw Says:
Monday, October 18, 2010 3:20 PM
Bobbi...I am not generally a list maker but when I do...boy oh boy ...what a list! I shalkk now take that "boy oh boy" list and give it the "D" Treatment. THANKS so much. Great practical piece of advice!
Joanne Weiland Says:
Friday, October 15, 2010 2:07 PM
Great advise Bobbi! I just delegated a task that I am not good at. I just eliminated a task that doesn't need to be done. I just automated a task so we only have to do it once. Wow! I feel better already - saving time and energy.

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