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Is Dating Affecting You In The Workplace?

I hear more and more singles talking about how their dating confusion and frustration is affecting them at work, in their businesses, with their children, everywhere!

Yesterday I was eating lunch at a local restaurant and spoke awhile to the manager. He was a mess. The girl he has been seeing is repeatedly sending him mixed messages. He told me it has caused his mind to race with questions, fears, doubts and uncertainty. Is she using him, does she really like him, is she just insecure, should he trust her, should he move on? He told me he could hardly concentrate on his job. And he definitely was not doing his best!

This is very common in today’s dating process, for men and women alike. I like to say that traditional dating has now become recreational dating. There are no longer any guidelines to help singles know if they are doing right or not. One will expect things to go a certain way while the other has a very different idea of how to progress; causing misunderstandings, frustrations, confusion, breakups, etc.

When we are not peaceful in our dating relationships it upsets our entire life. Our family and friends eventually get tired of hearing us complain, we are exhausted from trying to make it work or just figure it out, and it very often affects our work in a negative way.

Trying to concentrate and be productive on the job or building our businesses can be brutally difficult when our minds are constantly reverting back to the problems in our relationship, or lack of one. It may even be as simple as the excitement and anticipation of a first date with someone new, or a relationship that is really heating up fast!

And what about those of us who have suffered in an abusive or co-dependent relationship – even just a bad relationship can mess with our lives in all areas. I know, I've been there. And it gets even worse when you can’t take care of your children the way you know you want to.

And how focused are you on the important things in life (family and finances) when a really great relationship ends in heartache and heartbreak. You are devastated! You thought and believed with all your heart that they were the right person for you. But now they are gone, leaving you alone again, to heal and do it all over again.

I can totally understand. I was out there going through the same thing for forty years. Yes! I said forty.  I was a single mom raising my daughter alone from the time she was two years old. This is why I have such a passion to help singles avoid this horrible process. It hurts! It debilitates us! It is not fair to us, our children or our employers and businesses.

Is it time for you to make a change? To end the madness? To stop the insanity? To change the way you date?

Then it’s time to join singles across the county and become a member of the Dating For Love Club, opening April 30, 2011 at 9:00PM EST.  I will be revealing The Dating For Love Process, The Dating For Love Academy and the Dating for Love Club. I will also be giving away Free Memberships! So tell your single friends and mark your calendar to be on this Free Teleseminar

Check the Link to Expert calendar for more information.

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Enjoy the Free Gift and I will see you on the call.

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