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Audrey's holiday rhyme

29 Dec 2015 | Posted Under Poetry

‘Tis the season to be jolly…Oh by gosh, by golly

So it must be time, for my silly holiday rhyme


Well, it’s been a year…Since I moved in here

And I just renewed the lease, without rent an increase


And it’s been a good move, especially since I’m now in a groove

The summer rain was such a pain

Getting stuck inside for 3 days, put me in a haze

Found myself “on the water” with a flood … And oh the mud



It took 18 months of trials and tribulations

To finally get my mother approved for Medicaid…oh what frustrations

We would have owned nursing home $150k, if things had not gone our way


Unfortunately mom continues to hang on, we know not why

It just makes us want to cry

For those who knew her when she was lively and bright

Would be sad to see to see her so blank and with no light




Friends “old” and new bring happiness and glee…they are so important to me

Maroon 5 concert was a high point…they really rocked the joint

And yes, we got this near, what a way to start the year

We also went to see Zac Brown band and they were grand




Whether seeing an old favorites Mamma Mia and Sound of Music, so powerful

Or new favorite Kinky Boots so wonderful

Seasons tickets to Broadway in Tampa are so fun

And evenings with Keather…and sometimes Kennedy and Kwenci…are second to none




Saw lots of good movies with Nancy

And Julianne and Derek Hough in a show so entertaining and dancey


Kennedy is my partner for seeing movies from books we both read

She is such a delight and we have good time indeed


Still teaching marketing and management at 3 schools and going to commencement

Every chance I get so I can wear by doctoral robe with such contentment


Love flash mob. We laugh. We dance…We sometimes even prance

It’s a pleasure that I treasure by any measure

Whether our performance is funky or traditional

We bring joy and smiles that are unconditional

(Can you find me in the pic?)



Of my nieces, I’m so proud… wonderful young women by whom I am wowed

New York City is where they work and dwell…both are doing so well



My brother Phil and friend Kenny both turned 50 this year…so raise a beer

It was 45th anniversary for Anthony and my sister, Liz…aka Betty

Throw the confetti


I had one article published, but it is academic and not easy to read

So finding it is not something you need


Got so wacked out (scary) on anesthesia, that I missed appointment for procedure

Then it took a village to assist, to get me to dentist


Thanks to all who were part of life and make it so bountiful

You are all so dear and wonderful

Whether our visits are regular or rare, I cherish the connection we share

With our world in such turmoil, it would be easy to get depressed

But let’s be thankful for the ways we are blessed

And focus on the goodness in living and the joys in giving


So now it is time to wish you the best as we say goodbye to 2015

And wish for 2016 to be a year in which we all thrive



With love and affection




Tampa, FL

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