One thing I noticed during the #GaryLoperTwitterParty is that when I tried to
ReTweet (RT) many of the attendee’s tweets, I needed to edit the tweet to make
it fit within the 140 character limit. Many times I could not RT a tweet
because of the length and the time it would have taken to shorten it.
Which means that there were a lot of tweets that were not shared because they
were just too long; and with the speed of the Twitter Party, it was not
possible to edit on the fly – meaning your message, which was great enough to
catch my attention, was not shared by me or other attendees.
There are a couple of unique factors to
consider when tweeting at Twitter Parties/Chats. The length of the hashtag
must be kept in mind as well as any URLs you’ll be sharing. With my long
hashtag – 23 characters – and URL – 20 characters, you only have 97 characters
to share the rest of your message. Brevity will become your best friend
on Twitter, eliminating non-essentials words to convey your message in an eye
catching headline. Another option is to create a multi-part tweet reply
to the question. For example, you’re answering Q11 and need more than 100
characters to share your message. Your two part response would look like
A11 ————– URL-LINK #Hashtag
A11a —————- #Hashtag
Giving a little extra thought in composing
your Twitter Party Tweets will make it so much easier for others to RT them,
thus expanding the potential audience of your message and business.
Happy Tweeting!