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October I started the #JustForToday conversation on Twitter, and have received tremendous responses from people who have gained inspiration and renewed hope in themselves from the messages I have shared.  Every day hundreds of the ReTweets of the #JustForToday messages are shared with people throughout the Twitterverse.   Several of those people have generously shared their own daily affirmations, and added great value to the conversation.

Almost daily, there are good intentioned comments that the thought should be an #Everyday habit, and not just for today.  Ideally they are right, and that is the goal and purpose of this topic.  However, for many people just starting to take control of their lives, who have moved into a better mindset, and have gotten closer to becoming who they are on the inside, facing an everyday commitment is overwhelming.  Merely getting through the day, or in some cases an hour is a challenge.

Years ago I heard someone ask a group, “How do you eat an elephant?”, as they were discussing having so many things to do.  The answer to “How do you eat an elephant?” is simply “One Bite at a Time”.  Looking at a humongous elephant in front of you and knowing you have to eat the whole thing – you’ll look at the elephant, look at yourself and your belly, and come up with a thousand reasons and excuses why you will never be able to accomplish this task.  By shifting your thought to a bite at a time and enjoying the process, you will see yourself making significant progress instead of getting stuck and stopping.

Several people I have known that have gone through recovery programs have used the same mindset. Facing the thought of never being able to drink again is too much to comprehend. Knowing that “Just For Today” they are going to be clean & sober, they will overcome their addictions.

The #JustForToday messages are a place to begin the daily personal transformation, and develop the internal strength and solid foundation to build new futures upon.  In time, step-by-step, day-by-day you will become the master of your mind, and you will be able to easily make the shift to accomplish all your goals.

Many people I have worked with do not have a positive support system close by, or they may be easily influenced by family members who are not supportive of their dreams.  For those individuals, again, taking it a day at a time may be the only way to keep their dreams alive long enough to make them come true.

Since the #JustForToday messages started I have made an even bigger effort to recite my personal affirmations several times a day, and have seen a major improvement in all the areas of my intentions.  Simply pick the messages that ring true to you and the areas of your life you wish to improve, and read them out loud first thing in the morning upon rising and the last thing at night before you go to sleep.  For added power read them to yourself, as you are looking at yourself in the mirror and add your name to the message.

Name  #JustForToday I am in a loving caring relationship

Name #JustForToday I am loving myself

Name #JustForToday I am making better choices

I would love to hear from you about the shifts you create in all areas of your life by committing to #JustForToday affirmations.  Be sure to Follow me on Twitter.

You may also be interested in reading the introductory blog about #JustforToday

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