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14 Effective Keys to Engage & Attract Followers on Twitter, Part 2

Welcome back! Here is Part 2 Keys 8 -14.

8. Acknowledge the Source ~ When you find a Tweet that is something you’d like to reuse many times, be sure to include the source of the Tweet – especially if it is someone else’s original thought.  It’s not necessary to continually credit for a RT of someone else’s quote – but the source should always be mentioned. I’ve seen several people take my #JustForToday #Affirmation messages, and repost them without giving credit. 1. It is violation of Twitters Terms of Service  2. Completely misrepresenting yourself to your audience, and 3. Twitter Karma will be coming for you.

9. Follow People Back ~ With the recent Twitter changes it is very important to check daily for new followers to your account.  There used to be apps that allowed us to automatically follow everyone who followed us.  No More (sad face).  My follow rule is very simple I Follow everyone who follows me – until they give me a reason not to follow any more – see a past blog for those reasons.  Following back is not an obligation. It is completely your choice, but remember that everyone is the Gate-Keeper for everyone they know.  I have been surprised by people who I thought would never be a good person to engage with on Twitter. One person I am thinking about became a great RTer of mine for a long time, and the tone of their messages changed with the positive influence of my messages.  Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover.

10. Introduce Yourself to New Tweople ~ Please do not take this as a suggestion to set up an auto DM with a Welcome message that includes your pitch – yuck …. But, rather an invitation to genuinely reach out with sincere appreciation for the follow and perhaps an offer to help them.

11. Reach Out ~ Make it a goal to reach out and create a new conversation with three new people every day.  Take an interest in what they are doing, compliment them on their website, let them know you left a comment on their blog, share something that you may have in common after looking at their profile or site.

12. Hashtags ~ The use of #hashtags is growing and becoming an incredible way to find conversations about specific topics.  Almost any term is already being tagged.
Go to the Twitter Search box and enter for example: #Leadership.  All the recent tweets containing that hashtag will be shown.  Scan the list for messages that resonate with you and make a comment, or RT to begin a possible conversation with someone who already has a common interest with you.

13. Chats ~ Twitter Chats are mini communities that meet regularly to have a group conversation usually surrounding a theme of the day with several questions spaced out over an hour.  You can answer each question to join the chat – be sure to include the hashtag of the group, so others in that conversation will see your answers.

(Watch for my new Twitter Chat #BBRChat – Building Better Relationships Chat – beginning in September).

14. Seek out your Mentors & Influencers ~
Twitter has been around for a while now and there are probably already several thought leaders in every niche imaginable.  Again, searching in Twitter will help you locate those people who already have an audience of people you share your interests or may eventually be interested in what services you have to offer.  Engaging & RTing these leaders and the most active people in those conversations will help establish you, as someone to take notice of – provided you’ve applied the other Keys in establishing your Twitter presence.

Subscribers to Master the Twitterverse can receive additional Twitter training at my monthly Twitterverse Flight School at an incredibly low price.  Get access to the eBook and details will be emailed to you about the next class.

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