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8 Reasons Why You Should Attend the #GaryLoperTwitterParty

  • Are you struggling to get noticed on Twitter?
  • Has your social networking plan failed to bring you any new people to your community?
  • Does your social networking need a boost?
  • If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions then it is a must that you attend #GaryLoperTwitterParty !

All good reasons why the #GaryLoperTwitterParty is coming at the right time for you to make new connections and expand your audience and have some fun all at the same time.

Here are a couple other great reasons why you should attend the September 7th Twitter Party . . . . 

#1 It’s Virtual

No travel required, no need to buy new clothes and dress up, or be subjected to mystery food people may have brought for the pot luck meal.

#2 Opportune Timing

The Twitter Party will begin at 12 pm ET and it is scheduled to run for 5 hours, or when all my twitter accounts end up in Twitter jail.  You can pop in and out of the conversations, and still attend to other tasks on your agenda.  And for the real party people in the States and Europe the party will be over in time for you to still go out on the town.

#3 Please add your 2 cents

Everyone will be able to and are encouraged to contribute to the conversations.  How many parties or events have you attended where you wanted to add your thoughts to the conversations, but couldn’t get a word in?  This will not be a problem at the #GaryLoperTwitterParty . Jump in and add to the current conversation.

#4 Great Co-hosts

I have only invited great Tweople whom I have known for a number of years.  Meeting most of them via Twitter and extending our relationships to partnerships and friendships, I am honored that they all will be helping me bring the Twitterverse a little closer together for at least one afternoon.

@CarylLoper  @RevPamela  @FeliciaSlattery  @AngelaMaiers  @TheSmartChic  @PattyFarmer  @RickCooper have all confirmed so far, and I am sure that with over 100K followers, some of the stars of the Twitterverse will stop by for a little while.

#5  Cost Effective 

There is no charge for the Twitter party, and no need to purchase a gift and wonder if it fits.  In fact my co-hosts and myself will be offering door prizes throughout the afternoon.  Get ready to do some virtual treasure hunting.    And, everyone will have an opportunity to share their free gifts with all the attendees.

#6  Remarkable Attendees

With the collaborative effort of my team and my community on Twitter and other social networking sites, I am positive that we will gather an incredible group of attendees.  And, with your generous RT’s of everyone else’s tweets, we will become a trending topic.

#7  Trending Topic

We’ve seen the trending topics on the side of our home pages and curiosity kicks in and we go to check out some of the trending topics, and wonder … what in the world is the point of the conversation?  With the #GaryLoperTwitterParty there will be substance throughout the entire day and just as you were curious about other trending topics, other people will be just as curious about our party and will jump into the exchange. What that means to you and everyone is more people will see your tweets, your answers to chat questions, your social networking links, your recommendations, and your offers.

#8 Valuable Networking

You’ll be amazed at the connections you can make when you add to the discussions, are respectful to everyone, are generous with comments and RT’s, follow the simple basic guidelines of tweet chat etiquette and reach out to help others who may be joining the party a little late.

My intent for bringing this Twitter Party to you is to celebrate my 5 years of Tweeting, and all the incredible opportunities for both personal and business development I have been blessed with, as well as the tremendous circle of friends that I have made around the globe who enhance my life every day with their tweets and presence and our personal communication.

I hope that this day can be the beginning of some fantastic adventures across the Twitterverse for you, and that we can all add to each other’s lives and businesses.


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