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Attracting Prosperity and Abundance, Part 4

18 Jan 2015 | Posted Under Mindset

Attracting Prosperity and Abundance, Part 4

Every day people make resolutions that they are going to change their direction, and achieve the goals and dreams that have escaped them thus far.

So, why has it not worked? 

People are unaware that resolutions do not work because they do not realize their capabilities. Go back and take an inventory. What are your proficiencies? What have you succeeded in?

Write down 100 things you have accomplished in your life. People do not recognize how many things they have accomplished, and how many different ways they have touched somebody’s life. You want to develop that confidence and move forward. Having that self-confidence and self-assurance builds that foundation of self-esteem. Confidence is the vehicle to building a rich life, and tapping into your faith.

There is a faith aspect in being able to attract prosperity. You have to know that there is a bigger power. There is a guidance. One of my favorite shows is Quantum Leap, moving from life to life, moving around to be able to make things better. I am on Twitter to touch people’s lives. I know that those messages are making a difference in people’s lives.

What do you want in your life?

To create the life you want, you need to see your future. Be your future. Envision what it will be like in the future. Here is a powerful exercise that I learned from my first coach: envision your favorite holiday meal or gathering, 1 year,  3 years, 5 years from now. Who is there? What does it smell like? What foods are there? What sounds are there? Are there kids running around? Is there music? Involve all of your senses and see that future. The clearer that you are and the more action you take, the easier it is for the Universe to hit that moving target. So, get on track.

Back to certainty and confidence. Those 100 accomplishments are huge and will build up your confidence. Look at what you have gone through. For me because I have done over 100 Twitter presentations this year and a number of other things, I am confident and I know exactly what I need to say.

How do you build that confidence to overcome customer objections?

There are 7 – 12 common objections to overcome in every business. Research them, practice them and record yourself on how to overcome those objections and how you would answer them. So, when it does come up, you are not stressing on what to say.

How does coupon mentality play into a prosperous mindset?

Prosperous people are not looking for coupons. We see the value that these coaches and educators are going to provide for us. There is an exchange, a fair market exchange of what they are giving us and what we are giving them in return. A lot people are giving away free eBooks and other things. You will never train your audience to purchase from you, if you give everything away for free. Take a prosperity lesson. Start selling items for $3, an item like an Amazon or Kindle book.

Rediscover your dreams, gifts, confidence and certainty, and faith. Abundance is not about waiting for something to happen. “Abundance requires us to get into action to bring it into manifestation”. ~ Shamala Tan

More on Attracting Prosperity and Abundance in the Upcoming Week. For other blogs in the series:
Attracting Prosperity & Abundance, Part 1.
Attracting Prosperity & Abundance, Part 2
Attracting Prosperity & Abundance, Part 3.

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