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Aha Moments That Changed My Life, Part 3

In the bestselling book, the Four Agreements’, Don Miguel Ruiz talks about four life changing agreements that will dramatically change your life, if you choose to embrace and practice them every day.

In the 2nd agreement, Don’t Take It Personally’ it is a vital decree that each person needs to subscribe to.  Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally!

Dont Take It Personally

Here is a great story for entrepreneurs, one that gives clarity and offers understanding to Don Miguel Ruiz’s words, ‘Don’t Take It Personally’.  In a restaurant, the waiter and waitress staff typically will walk around offering new coffee. If you want a refill or topped off, you say ‘yes’. If not, they are not personally affected by your response, and they go on.

With that analogy, if we realize that as entrepreneurs, we are serving coffee, looking for people who want to drink the coffee and recognize that not everyone wants it or they don’t want it right now, that doesn’t mean they will not want it later. Have that same mentality as the waiter or waitress. They are not taking it personally. They are providing service. If you like it, here it is. If not, okay then we will move on to the next.

As an entrepreneur I have embraced that philosophy and outlook, which has allowed me to create a positive mindset instead of taking everything in life personally.

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

In recent years, my proudest entrepreneurial moment emerged while working with Eric Lofholm, master sales trainer who previously worked with Tony Robbins. Eric has a great philosophy, belief system and energy. While working through his program, I assisted and coached Eric on Twitter. One of the proudest moments I had was when he publicly validated me to all of his protégés. During his podcasts he would constantly ‘shout me out’ on how I helped him with Twitter.

Throughout my life I have longed for that form of recognition. I had a strong desire that some ‘super star’ of a higher stature and business success would recognize and validate me, and share my gifts with thousands of people within their community. That was an absolutely incredible experience!

Yes, somebody else could see my gifts, my vision, somebody could see what I could do for them and they were willing to be able to refer me, and recommend me to their audience. That was the boost I needed for so long. That has given me such confidence to go forward, build programs and do even more then what I expected to do previously.

Moving forward, I created a phenomenal program, Twitterverse Flight School, 8 training modules, 12 hours of recorded Twitter trainings. The modules have a great deal of business training and some psychology that enhances the program. The entire package is a solid and high performing Twitter program – Twitter trainings that no one else yet has touched upon.

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Keeping with the business trends, digital learning is best suited for entrepreneurs. A lot of people do not want to show up for a 5-week course, so automation, learning on demand, to fit within their schedule was a must.

That was an incredible ‘aha’ moment, to complete this body of work, to make it publicly available and provide a great service for people was an unparalleled and outstanding experience.

What’s more, it allows me to be able to move on and create more projects instead of teaching the same class over and over every month, and try to fill it up. I found that emotionally exhausting to market, and then only get a handful of people show up.

Now I am creating bonus classes, ‘Question & Answer’ segments that are only offered to the people who took the class. And, I am really jazzed up about my Mind Mastery program that I am working on, that is going to be a lifetime, weekly group on how to overcome emotional minefields. I know they were huge in my life, and there are many people who are dealing with those aspects in their life. I am passionate about changing people’s lives!

Struggling with Twitter? Need help? Want to succeed in your business? How can Twitter increase your business success?  Get ready for a BIG life … Get ready, set for your SUCCESS!  Learn more about Twitterverse Flight School!

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