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Exposure at the Expo

It was exciting to ask Executives and Entrepreneurs about their ideas, inventions and projects at the Link to EXPERT Booth at the Medical & Technology Expo -2010, held on July 15th at the TPepin’s Hospitality Center, Tampa, FL. ( This is an innovative way to determine what is preventing them form bringing their idea to the market and how our Experts can help them do so.

Thank you to Clemmie Aamodt., our Account Manager for keeping her positive attitude throughout the day.

Thank you to our Experts -Kathy Perry, Sandra Miniere, Brian Graham, Bobbi Gemma, Steve Gavatorta and Christina Courting for connecting with potential clients, selling and signing your books throughout the day and learning each other's success secrets.

Thank you Jason Caras for telling us about the next Gold Rush in your keynote presentation " A Healthy Forecast for EMR: Clouds with an increased chance of savings" to kick off the Expo.

We appreciate Glynis Ross-Munro sharing her insights at her “Bridging the Healthcare-IT Divide" workshop in the afternoon.

It is exciting to see how true collaboration can be fun and rewarding.


Glynis Ross-Munro Says:
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:18 AM
Congratulations to Felix, Joanne, Clemmie, Pepin and everyone else for making the Medical & Technology Expo -2010 a success. The event was the first of its kind in Tampa Bay, and should go from strength to strength. These kinds of events follow a learning curve, so I was surprised at how big a crowd we had and how many interesting people came. I think that this reflects the importance of both Healthcare and technology in the Tampa Bay economy. It was great to see Bobbi Gemma, whose book looks amazing. Kathy Perry's book is also in print. Many people were interested in the topic of the cultural differences between the IT world and medical world, and developed a deeper insight into the costs and process problems created by this cultural divide. A few people were a bit shocked that I expected them to think during my workshop. Sadly there is no way to create new neural connections (and therefore build new knowledge) except by mental effort. Fortunately, they then found the thinking fun, rewarding, and entertaining. They left with permanent knowledge, laughter and (in some cases) prizes.

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