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Making Your Life Easy!

Imagine having FREE time. Have you ever wondered how some people get so much done, make more money and still have free time?


What if you could make more money and have more free time?


Consider hiring experts to handle the things that your don’t have time for or frankly don’t understand.  Why is it important for business owners and entrepreneurs to hire experts?


·        To accelerate the time it takes to transform your vision into reality

o   Because applied knowledge is power – many people think knowledge is power but only when you do something with that knowledge does it have power. How many times have you seen a product in a store or advertised on TV or the radio and said – I thought of that 2 years ago – but you didn’t act on your ides – who is earning $ for the sales?

·        Implement your ideas before your competitors

o   When you have an idea and don’t act on it – it is up for grabs for someone else to take that idea and implement it.

·        Leverage experts’ education, experience and contacts

o   Saves you time – experts have 10,000 hours invested in their expertise

o   Saves you money – experts continually invest in educating themselves

o   The BIG reason most people don’t consider is – hiring an expert saves your reputation – experts try many ways to accomplish their goals, they experience many failures in the process so you can save your reputation by learning from their mistakes and successes!

Save the Date: Join Joanne Weiland and Sam Richards from LinktoEXPERT on EFactor’s Free Webinar August 8th at 10 am PST, 1 pm EST. They will give you tools to implement your ideas fast!


You will learn how to:

-Save time

-Make more money

-Elevate your reputation

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