how to use Facebook to market your business -join me as I interview
Taylor Garland for a free Webinar, this Thursday, Nov 11 at 9pm EST -
Register at:
best business tools are FREE and Facebook is the ultimate word-of-mouth
marketing environment. I've asked Taylor Garland to join me on a FREE
Webinar on Thursday, November 11th, at 9:00pm Eastern. He'll be sharing a
ton of great strategies and tips about growing your business online
using Facebook.
Taylor will also be giving away an exclusive
report he wrote called "The Top 10 Do's and Don'ts of Facebook
Marketing" as a gift to everyone that attends the webinar.
Register here for this FREE Webinar:
Hope you can make it on the Webinar! Please share this with your friends.
To Success!Kathy Perry, Author & Speaker
Social Media & Internet Marketing Specialist
Co-Author with Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield & Dr. Denis Waitley in 'Stepping Stones to Success'