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You Can Increase the Performance of Your Sales Team During Uncertain Economic Times

You can INCREASE the performance of your sales team during uncertain economic times.


During financial crises, clients want CONFIDENT sales people. Unfortunately, fear, insecurity, and self-doubt have hijacked the minds of most sales people. If you want your business to thrive and profit, don’t allow your sales team to fall prey to the forces of negativity.


Salespeople spend an average of 38% less time with potential customers during lean economic times.


Benefits of Building Sales Confidence:


·         Increases mental and emotional toughness.

·         Increases individual sales goals.

·         Increases the number of potential clients sales people see or call monthly.

·         Increases the number of times sales people present your product or service per month.

·         Increases how many “no’s” a sales person will listen to in order to close a sale.

·         Increases the number of rejections the sales person can handle in a day.

·         Increases buyer confidence.

·         Increases individual sales performance.

·         Increases your bottom line!


Sell more rather than cut more. To INCREASE cash flow during tough economic times, smart businesses focus efforts and expenditures on building confidence into their sales team.


Selling with Confidence Keynote Speaker Experience—when you want more than just another good speech!


Confidence Coach Keith Johnson delivers an inspiring, transformational, and entertaining message that your audience will remember long after the event is over. Keith Johnson knows that the formula for a successful presentation is a powerful SUBSTANCE delivered in an ENGAGING, FUN, and INTERACTIVE style that will empower your sales force to be more confident and increase sales productivity. Very few speakers have the talent, experience, and credentials to reach an audience at every level, but Keith Johnson has it all!

Proven Success:

“Our sales team doubled our sales productivity after I went through the Confidence Coaching program.” –Christy Potts, Mary Kay Consultant


“I closed a $7,000-a-month contract for my company after attending Dr. Johnson’s confidence seminar.” –Michael Hall, Strive for Excellence


“We have conducted over 110 lunch seminars for business men and women in our city.  We have had some of the top speakers in the business industry and Dr. Keith rates as one of the top five speakers we have ever heard. Dr. Keith comes armed with life-changing information in each talk he gives!” –Garry Wiggins, President of CPR of Jacksonville, Florida


“We have a membership of 6,500 realtors...Dr. Johnson’s message to us on selling with confidence is absolutely critical. I have been to many seminars, but this was a wake-up call, reminding me of all the things that make each one of us the success we want to be. Dr. Keith is a quality speaker who speaks from the heart and also speaks with great knowledge.” - Alma Alexander, President of the Greater Tampa Association of Realtors


“Dr. Keith Johnson has truly developed a life-changing program that will teach you how to transform the way you think, see, and talk about yourself. Confidence is the mark of a true achiever. Your confidence will soar to new heights. I highly recommend him.” –Dr. Robert Schuller, founder, The Crystal Cathedral


“Dr. Keith Johnson, America’s Confidence Coach, has worked with our firm on numerous occasions and has added great value every single time. In today’s challenging business environment, no one can afford to miss the vital message of confidence and encouragement that America’s Confidence Coach consistently delivers. Anyone serious about growing their business and helping their employees reach their potential absolutely must talk to Keith Johnson.” –Bobby Weber, President of Maximum Performance International, Dallas, Texas




“Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” –Sam Walton, Wal-Mart founder


“In no other field of endeavor does self-confidence or the lack of it, play such an important part as in the field of salesmanship….” –Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich

Credentials: Keith Johnson, PhD 

Keith Johnson, The Confidence Coach, has spent the past 15 years successfully training over 120,000 leaders how to maximize their leadership potential and effectiveness.

Inspiring International Speaker.  Dr. Johnson is known as one of the premier speakers on the subjects of leadership and confidence building. He has spoken worldwide including in Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Africa, India, and throughout the United States.

Frequent Television Guest.  He has shared his experiences on several major television and radio stations in America offering his expertise to help others become more confident and more successful.

Distinguished Author.  He has currently authored more than eight compelling books including The Confidence Makeover. He has authored numerous training manuals that provide practical and easy to understand and implement principles of confidence building.

Leadership Consultant.  He is known as a “change strategist” who coaches and serves leaders, empowering them to raise their organizations to the next higher level—and beyond.

Dedicated Learner. Degrees earned: Master of Leadership and Doctor of Philosophy. Graduate of the Bobb Biehl Leadership Academy.

Creator of Confidence Coaching System


Although the Selling with Confidence Experience produces a very effective confidence boost and immediate increase of productivity, Dr. Keith Johnson believes that meaningful and lasting change takes place in an individual during longer reflection. Dr. Keith will empower your sales team to experience lasting change through his six-week Confidence Coaching System. This Coaching System maximizes the learning process of your sales team through various methods including:

  • Daily follow-along written manuals.
  • Daily learning audio materials.
  • Daily journal and exercises.
  • Weekly interactive group discussions.


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