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Mary Magdalene's Mystical Teachings of Enlightenment 2-20-2018

Greetings, my beloveds, yes, it is I, Christ. Mary Magdalene is here as well as Archangel Michael. We wish to bring forth the energy of Divine Grace, and call forth this energy on to your individual lives and onto the Earth. It is extremely important, Dearest Ones, that you begin to call in this vibratory frequency, for it is extremely powerful. This is a force field of energy that we are asking you to embody and to embrace within your energy field upon this day, for it will begin to shield you from some of what we call the fracturing of the energies that are now happening upon the planet. You may begin to feel a great deal of confusion, and many will become confused as the energy that is being broken up within your Earthly atmosphere by the galactic federation and all of the heavenly hosts are breaking up the density and the frequency of energies that have been overlaid upon the planet. This may sound a bit confusing, but in simple terms, Dear Ones, the Earth has held a vibration that is of great stagnation and the galactic beings of light, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians, the Galactic Federation, and Council of Light are now infusing and bringing forth tremendous energy upon your planet. This is affecting many, both in their physical bodies and their energetic fields, and this is also causing many people to become disoriented or to become physically ill, it is causing the body to be out of whack, as they say. And so, it is very important, Dear Ones, that you begin to shield and protect yourself with this frequency of light, as this is very necessary at this time so that you can remain centered and balanced. That is why I ask each of you, if you so shall, to take a deep, inhaling breath, and simply begin to breathe in the energy of the white light of God, breathing in this frequency of Divine Grace, Divine, Holy Grace, breathing in this frequency of Divine, Holy Grace, breathing in this frequency of Divine, Holy Grace, and allowing your energies now to begin to be protected and shielded from these powerful frequencies. They are not harmful, yet they are very potent, and they are literally, as they say, breaking up the energetic frequencies that are so needed to be unlocked and unleashed, as if there has been an energetic component upon your Earth plane that is kept in the lower vibrational frequencies upon your planet, and now it is like breaking glass, so that more light and more love and more healing energy can be brought forth into the energy of the Earth, not only for Mother Earth herself, but for all of creation. 

And so, these frequencies are extremely powerful, and I’m asking each of you to call in this vibratory frequency of Divine Grace, and allow it to enter into your body and calm your system, and allow yourself to begin to heal. So begin to feel it and sense it and know it as your truth, that as you call in this powerful, powerful light of protection, we are surrounding you with Divine Grace. Know that with every breath that you take, and every step that you take, that everything is in Divine Order, and all is as it should be. Simply beginning to grace your physical body, your mental body, all of your energetic bodies, and begin to relax and begin to breathe in these frequencies of what we call the rainbow light of colors, of Holy Grace and yes, Holy Union. And at this time, this frequency that is being called forth into your energy fields will begin to restructure any discordant energies that any of you have been hanging on to, that will allow yourself now to walk in balance and to be in alignment with the frequencies that are being called forth.

This is a time of great importance upon your Earth plane. There are many who are making decisions to stay upon the Earth plane, and to continue on with their work, and there are many who are choosing to leave in droves. This is partially why you are seeing so many people leaving the planet at this time, they are being called elsewhere to use their energies. And, as you see the epidemic of the flu, causing many deaths to happen, both with children and people of all ages, as well as those who are choosing to leave by natural causes or by other events. We say to you, Dear One, that this is in Divine Order. It may appear to be a random act of so many people leaving at the same time, but there is a mass exodus of individuals who are leaving this planet, and so we are asking you not to be frightened, we are asking you to hold and carry this frequency of Divine Grace within your body so that you can hold this frequency and move forward into your work, feeling your energy being solid, being protected, being centered, and being reunified within yourself. Therefore, you will be able to help so many others who are struggling through these clearings, these energies that are now bombarding your planet are clearings, and, as I have said, some are able to accept it and to go with the flow and ride with the energy, and some are being shattered, as they say, energetically, causing different physical symptoms to happen that is quite disconcerting. And so, know, at this time, that you are here by Divine appointment, and so, allow this frequency of Divine, holy grace, the energy of Grace Elohim, to step forward and to now center your energy and your frequency in this lovely bubble of a pure, protective light. It holds a vibration and a hue of a rose, and a very light color of blue, like a baby blue color with a rose tone. And so, breathe in this frequency of the baby blue and the rose tone and begin to feel this presence and this essence as it begins to merge into your body through your breath, allowing this frequency to now enter into your lungs, allowing it to move into your respiratory system, allowing it to enter into all of your cells, and into all organs, and all systems of your body. Simply allowing this frequency of Divine Grace to enter into your physical body and into your energetic field, thus creating a strong immune system, and allowing your immunity to now be brought forward. And you are feeling this energy of great strength, as if your body is now receiving a tremendous healing of light and love and Divine Grace.

And so, take a deep breath in, and simply begin to breathe. Breathe in this frequency, breathe in this frequency, breathe in this frequency, breathe in this frequency. And call in the energy of Divine Grace into your being, holding this essence within yourself, and feeling the strength and the love of all that is. Allow yourself to feel this energy of Holy, Divine Grace, feeling this energy as it now merges with the energy of the essence of the healing power of the Christ Consciousness. Allow yourself now to shift your vibration and move your energy to the frequency of Divine, Holy Grace. Allowing yourself to move forward now into Christ Consciousness, into even what we call a deeper level, and allowing yourself to merge with the frequency and the energy of the Christ essence. And so, Dear Ones, allow yourself to feel this energy as a tremendous, tremendous sense of freedom. Allowing your body to now ascend and to merge into the energy of my essence, of the Christ Consciousness energy, and as St. Michael stands with you, and he too begins to clear the frequencies around you, as if shards of glass have been broken. Breaking through the shattering of the old energies that are stagnant. For you see, Dear Ones, this is a tremendous time of awakening, and this year of 2018 truly is a time of powerful change. And peace shall prevail. It resonates and vibrates with the energy of the nine, where it is also an ending and yes a beginning, for you see, it is time to end what has no longer served you, and the energies on the planet that are of the old stagnant energies are now being cleared away. You see how important it is to hold this light and to carry your torch as one of the way showers, bridging this new frequency of the illuminated Christ essence, into your being and onto the world.

You will begin to see in your world politically much more conflict and confusion and discordant energy. This is part of the great plan, this is a part of the Great Design. It is simply why you have your current president of the United States of America in office, for this is a part of breaking up the structures of the Old World Order. And the energies are now coming in, and the actions of the current administration are simply a part of the Divine Plan, and people are now responding, responding and calling out for action, calling out for reform, calling out for peace, calling out for equality, calling out for liberation, calling out for compassion and justice for all. And so, you see, Dearest Ones, these energies that are now flooding your planet are affecting every soul on many levels, and change will occur. This is breaking up and shattering old patterns, and so, it is of grave importance, Dearest Ones, that you realize that whatever patterns you are holding within yourself, individually, and within this planet, but also within your country of the United States of America, it is needed to break up these patterns of energy, as your country has been locked into the old patriarchal rule for over 200 years. It was not meant originally for this country to be encapsulated into fear or separation or to be encapsulated into dominance by an energy frequency of control, but it has come to this point where your particular country of the United States of America is in need of the shattering, it is why there is so much that is happening that is of discordant energy, for your country was simply meant to be a land of opportunity, a land of freedom and justice for all. 

And so now, Dearest Ones, these energies are now being broken up. And so please allow yourselves to call in this energy of Divine Grace, Holy Grace, and realize, at this time, how important it is to begin to accept that the energy of Grace Elohim, the energy of this beautiful frequency, will now begin to heal all the energies that are discordant, both collectively in the collective consciousness of humanity and in each individual soul who is ready to receive and awaken to Divine Grace, as well as to your current country and your current administration in the United States of America, for you see, collectively, the energy of the soul of the United States of America - and we say yes, the soul of the United States of America, for yes, your country has a soul just as you do - is now being recalibrated and the shattering and the breaking forth of these frequencies, it truly is in Divine Order. And so, do not become frightened, do not allow yourself to become confused, but allow yourself to realize that what is happening is for Divine purpose and Divine appointment. And you, Dearest Children, are the teachers and the way showers and the leaders, holding this frequency for all to understand, all to receive. This is truly a day of liberation and a day of great importance, and as you have allowed these frequencies now to enter into your consciousness, and yes, the energies are now flooding and filtering into the atmosphere of the Earth. It is affecting all of the elements of the Earth, for you see, all of the kingdoms, the animal, the mineral, the planet kingdoms, are receiving these frequencies as well. Everything is being flooded with these higher vibrational frequencies. And yes, Dearest Ones, do not be afraid of what you may call change. Change is bringing forth the new Earth, change is bringing forth the new Earth, change is bringing forth peace on Earth. Yes, this change is created and is bringing forth this powerful demonstration of love and respect for all of life.

And so, Dearest Ones, begin to breathe in this frequency, as you begin to clear out all that does not serve you. Clear out all that does not serve you. Clear out all that does not serve you, and you will begin to see a shattering and a breaking of old patterns within you. We have talked about this before, but not to this extent, that you will be breaking old patterns, old behaviors, addictions, attitudes, and beliefs. And so, allow this frequency to be released, to be released, to be released, and to surrender, so as you accept this energy coming forth, it will help you to become a whole and balanced individual. Balanced in your mind, body, and spirit. Balanced so that you can hold the energy of the Christ Consciousness, my essence, within you more purely, more powerfully, and more potently. And so, Dear One, allow yourself to feel this, and allow yourself to accept this, and allow yourself to know this, that this is a powerful, powerful time of change. And so, breathe in the energy and the essence of light, breathe in the energy and the essence of peace. And as you stand in this truth, and you stand in this remembrance, know at this time, that you are now bringing forth a powerful vibration of love, a powerful vibration of love, and feeling this energy shifting inside of you. Feeling this energy shifting inside of you, feeling this energy shifting inside of you, and so allow yourself to feel this presence as your entire energetic system returns to balance.

There are many aspects of your essence and your multi-dimensional selves that are now receiving this balance as well, as if all of your parallel lives and all of the aspects of you are now being healed and restored and returned to balance, so that you can walk this planet integrated and whole, without fear, without any frequency that is not of pure love. And so, Dear Ones, as you allow yourself to respond to this energy, as you allow yourself to stand in the strength of your truth, remember the importance of the love that you are holding, and the energy that you are holding, and the peace that you are holding, and the light that you are holding, it is of purity.

Today is a day that God has made, and it is good, and it is rich. And as you begin to step into this frequency, feel the energy grounded through the soles of your feet into the energy of Mother Earth. And with each step that you take, you are grounded, you are centered, and you are walking and living in Divine Grace, Divine Holy Grace, Divine Holy Grace. Every day and in every way, you are becoming stronger and stronger, and your beautiful force field of energy will begin to expand into pure, Divine love, and in pure Divine light, at a more expediential rate, for you will begin to burn off, as they say, this energy is burning off aspects of you that are not pure love. Pure, pure love. And so, as you stand in this frequency, and you hold this vibration, and you allow the frequency of Divine Grace to enter into your being, be not afraid, Dearest Children, of what is happening within the world or around you, but stay centered, stay strong, and know the importance of living in your true, Divine self. Divine, Holy Grace. And when you become frightened or become worried, or become confused, call in the energy of Elohim Grace. Call in the energy of Elohim Grace, call in the energy of Elohim Grace. And know, at this time, that each soul that you encounter will begin to feel the energy and the essence of your being. And as you hold this pure frequency, then you will be able to bring this forward into the lives of others, and they will feel it, and it will be a rippling effect, and this is what is happening with the shattering of the energies that are now happening upon your planet. It is breaking through the old structures, the old bondage of energies that have clung tight to fear and separation. And so, Dearest Ones, accept this as your truth. And know that regardless of what is happening, everything, and we say everything, is Divinely graced.

I can tell you, Dearest Ones, that I used this energy before, during and after my crucifixion, because I was very frightened of the pain and the suffering, and what if I died. I knew that I was to live on, but what if I died. I was truly frightened. Yet, I had to master my own fear, I had to master my own essence. I had to remain in control and not give in to the illusion of what was taking place around me or to me. My crucifixion was simply a representation of the shattering of energies that I was allowed to experience. And yet, during that time, I had risen into my oversoul, and sent love to each soul, and to the Earth, and I was able to ascend into the pure essence of my being, and then return back into my body, to then begin to bring this energy through my physicality and embody it. And today, what is happening, many of you are being risen into the Christ Consciousness energy and essence as I speak. Without the pain and the suffering, but you are being transmuted and transcended into a higher light of pure love. And so, Dearest Ones, know that what is happening is happening to every sentient being. Happening to the soul of the Earth, happening to all the kingdoms. The shifting of the guard, as they say, is happening. It is happening quickly, it is shattering, shattering, shattering. And so, allow yourself to see it as a part of the Great Design, for peace to enter and return to the Earth. It is necessary to break free from the old confines of old energies that no longer serve, and yes, Dearest Children, I have stepped forward to help each of you to re-remember what is of truth.

And so, Dear Ones, allow yourself now to take a deep, inhaling breath. Place your feet upon the ground, and allow your heart to open to peace, as Divine Grace enters into your soul, and you are centered into your heart, calling this energy into your being, knowing that truth shall prevail. Truth shall prevail, and peace and love will be the guiding force upon this Earth. Peace and love will be the guiding force upon this Earth. This is what is happening now. This is the energy that is coming forward, and as I have said, for those who are able to receive it, it will be easy and effortless, for others, it may be more difficult. But regardless, know that it is in Divine Order, and it is in Divine, Holy Grace. I now ask you, Dear Ones, to place your hands over your heart and receive this energy, as I come to touch your heart and awaken you to your truth. Know at this time, my Mother, my daughter, and my beloved Mary stand with you, as Archangel Michael clears away these frequencies and energies that no longer serve you. And so, stand in the frequency and the light and the love and the power of who you are. Go now, my children and be at peace in all things, know that you are loved, know that you are loved, know that you are loved.

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