Yes, you can manage your Macs with your PCs.
The Parallels Enterprise Team traveled through time to prove it. Recently our Enterprise
team hit the road to educate Microsoft System Center Users about how to manage
the Macs in their environment. The
Midwest Management Summit was a three-day learning conference and Parallels was
proud to support the event as a Gold Sponsor.
But it wasn’t all tech-talk. We took a moment for some team building at
the Star Trek Exhibit and even took over the controls of the USS

We’re looking forward to next year’s
event…maybe we’ll get to meet Mr. Spock!
Tell us what current
projects you are wrapping up and what projects you have planned for 2015.
team is ready to take you and your project into the future with ease. Simply
call us and together we will manage your network of PC & Macs securely.
to this blog, email us at or call 425-282-6090
for more
Reference to possibly be
featured in the media to tens of thousands as a Parallels Case Study.