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BIRTH 2012 - Day One of a New Era for Humanity


                         Where: New Beginning Oneness Center

                                4004 Bonita Road, Holiday, FL 34691

                         Time:  11 AM - 4 PM - December 22, 2012



December 22, 2012 will be Day One for the next era of human possibilities. As many of you probably know the Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012.  What you may not know is many other ancient cultures and spiritual paths also point to this date as the end of a great cycle and the beginning of a brand new one. Even the Bible clearly speaks about a great shift occuring during this time.  You my brothers and sisters are stepping into a pivotal moment in history!


A major Historical Event will be taking place on December 22, 2012 which will include tens of millions of people worldwide.  It is being called BIRTH 2012, an inspiring "planetary Birth Day" where people will be gathering to participate in and celebrating this global shift. Barbara Marx Hubbard has been visioning this time for decades and is the creator of Birth 2012.


This is your personal invitation to participate in the Birth of the most important event in human history! We are are at a time of a extrodinary Planetary Shift and those of us who have awakened have the great opportunity to be the Welcoming Committee of a future of infinite possibility for humanity. We are being called as the midwives to bring forth the birth.


We are gathering to:

Cleanse ourselve of violence

Commit ourselves to health

Pledge ourselves to generosity

State our intentions for a new kind of world where we are all respectful, loving members of a single human family living in harmony with all creation.

It is the first time in our conscious history we are being given the opportunity to guide and ease our transition to the
next stage of evolution.We are the Pioneering Souls being called upon to shift from ego-centrism to living from our Essential Selves; to discover our vocations of destiny, to give our unique Gifts to the Shift, to work towards maximum golbal coherence, and to evolve our communities, our world, and ourselves.

Let's JOIN TOGETHER and welcome this New Era of a Universal Humanity connecting through the heart to the whole of life and guide our Earth community into its next evolutionay Stage!

Bring your drums, families, voices, open hearts and come to New Beginning Oneness Center on Dec. 22, 2012 to join with millions of people all over the globe who will be uniting to honor the Birth of a New Era for Humanity - an historic day of global unity.

We will link accross the world in moments of song, prayer, dance and cultural expression over a 24 hour cycle. The goal is to reach a critical mass of people - one percent of the world committing to a positive future together! One percent is all it takes to cause a Tipping Point!  Will you help bring about a Tipping Point for mankind?

Some of the world biggest names in science, sustainability, peace and evolutionary consciousness including Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, Michael Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Jean Huston, Lynn McTaggart, Jack Canfield have been confirmed as the Global Welcoming committe for this event.

The Birth Event will take place in different countries and continents around the world including Los angeles, Tucson, London, Sydney, Paris and locations in Latin America, Asia, and Africal. We expect it will bring positive change in our communities and beyond!

Barbara Marx Hubbard a renowned "planetary midwife" and futurist will be acting as our visionary voice. She has written a bestselling book Birth 2012 and Beyond which explains her vision. If you are not farmiliar with Barbara go to www.birth2012 for more information.

Are you feeling an evolutionary impulse....a feeling something Big is about to happen? If so, you are being called to participate in this Great Historical Event....don't miss your opportunity.

If not NOW, when?          If not YOU, who?

Will you join us as we bring in DAY ONE of a New Era for Humanity?

With Visionary Eyes and Much Love, MaryLou Houllis

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