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When an Inner Voice Says, "Listen to Me!"

                   When an Inner Voice Says, "Listen to Me!

I have always been in touch with my intuition. Since I was a small child, I’ve felt watched over, guided and protected. Part of that protection has included receiving messages from my inner self–intuitions–about actions to take, things to watch out for, places to be or not to be.


Often times those messages arrive as a small, still voice that is very close to my own thoughts–so much so that occasionally, if I am very busy or distracted, I will not pay attention and I will miss the potential benefit. On one such occasion I ignored the voice and my purse got stolen. But more often, I listen, especially when my inner voice takes on what I call its “listen to me!” tone. This happens only when there is something very important happening that I am about to miss because I’m either not paying attention or am discounting its presence. I can recall two occasions when my inner voice took on this insistent tone; yet the sheer power of it made me instantly comply, and I’m forever grateful that I did.


The first instance took place as I was looking through the library one day, several years prior to the birth of my second child. As was my habit, I was wandering aimlessly, almost in a trance state, just letting my feet take me where they wanted to go. I stopped in front of a shelf where I “felt” a book “calling” to me. From past experience, I knew I would find the best books this way. I took the book down from the shelf and was surprised to see the title–The Writer’s Handbook. Having at this time no inkling that I was destined for a writing career, I wondered, Why does this book want me? However, knowing that there must be some good reason, I started to take the book up to the checkout.


I’d only taken one or two steps when a voice inside my head practically yelled at me, “Now is not the time!” Well, make up your mind, I thought, and put the book away again.

Having forgotten this incidence, several years later I was once again wandering through the library shelves and this same book called to me again. This time I took it home, and it literally changed my life. Reading the first few pages, I began to feel a strange excitement welling up inside me. This is what I’m supposed to do, I thought. Never before having thought about writing, I became a writer that night. Four years later, I published an article in The Writer’s Handbook, the book that had started it all. I then understood why I did not take the book the first time. Once I began writing, it soon became such a consuming passion that I know, had I started it earlier, I might not have wanted to give up the time and space in my life required to raise a second child. But after having my son, I was awfully glad I listened to that inner voice.


This first powerful experience led me to listen to and follow my special intuitive voice a second time, even when I was quite reluctant to do so. I was at a fast food restaurant with my son, who, at the time was about two years old. He was playing in the play area with another young boy about his age and I began to get the regular, small voice saying, “Get that woman’s phone number. Stay in touch with her.” Since she was a complete stranger, I was not about to do this. However, the message came again, even stronger. Still, I resisted. Finally, the woman and her son were about to leave, and for a third time the message came through, this time roaring in my head, “Don’t let that woman get out of here without getting her phone number!”


 OK, already! I thought, as I quickly made up some comment about our kids playing so well together. I went on to mention the fact that there were few playmates in our neighborhood, and would she consider meeting again or coming over so that the kids could play again?


Much to my surprise and relief, she agreed. This woman soon became a good friend, and invited me to her meditation group. I met with this group for seven years, a period marking some of my most important spiritual growth. From this start, I later went on to teach and speak on topics of spiritual growth and self –transformation, publish books and audio tapes on the topic, and become a psychotherapist, specializing in personal and spiritual transformation.


My belief is that everyone can be taught to hear their own small, still voice, or at least recognize it when it says, “Listen to me!”



Rita Milios, LCSW, the Mind Mentor, is a psychotherapist, author and workshop presenter from Kissimmee, FL. She can be reached for information regarding workshops or spiritual coaching services at Or call Rita at 863-496-7223.

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