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Google+Local to replace Google Places for local businesses

JUNE 3, 2012 -- Google Places was changed by the world' s largest search engine Google on May 30, 2012. Google+Local is now integrated with Google Places to create a personalized search and review system for all Google users, including businesses in Southwest Florida.

These change impacts local businesses, according to best selling author Professor Tamara Patzer, dean of Mass Communication Marketing at Total Audience Market Immersion, TAMI LLC, headquartered in Sarasota County, Florida.

What this means for all local brick and mortar businesses is that they will now will be scored by the review giant Zagat. Google bought this review company last year. "It brings online reputation management into the forefront for local businesses," Patzer said.

Since Google is the largest search engine in the world, the Google+Local with the reputation review scores by Zagat is important to local businesses.
"For local businesses, word of mouth and reputation is everything in the real world. It' s the same in the viral or online world, your reputation is paramount."

The change means that millions of Google Places accounts, claimed and verified or not, will now be tied to a Google+ page and to Zagat's 30-point reputation scoring system. For example, a restaurant's scores will include points for food, decor, service, and cost.

"This means you better have exception service, great good, atmosphere and the prices should be fair for the experience," Patzer said.

For other types of businesses, the reviews will be scored from 0 to 3. The 5-star review system that other review services use will be translated into the new Zagat-style system. "If you look at the new Google+Local, you will see the five star review at now labeled with a 3."

While some people may think this is a bad or forced system to make people use Google+, Patzer thinks the system may improve reviews overall.

"The new review system on Google+Local is going to help brick and mortar businesses get real reviews from real people and probably help diminish or stop fake reviews since the reviews are tied to a Google+ profile," Patzer said. "People will have to stop and think about if they want everyone know how they review a place of business, so it should help keep the reviews honest."

"Every business will be scored on a 30-point system and if you don't measure up, people will choose your competition over you. It' s that simple. If you are a brick and mortar company, it' s vital to seize this opportunity to claim your stake in the Web World."

Patzer likens claiming Google+Local and having a web presence to owning waterfront real estate. "Everyone wishes they had bought waterfront property when it was cheap. This is where we are right now in the Web World. Prime "viral" real estate for your business is free or very cheap, but extremely valuable today and in the future. The good news is it' s available to every business!"

To get more information about Google+Local, text your name and email to the keyword PLUS at 58885 or login to to find out more. Text your name and email to +1 (917) 746-6453. To listen to a pre-recorded informational message about your online reputation, call +1 (917) 746-6453. To speak directly with Tamara Patzer, call her at 941-421-6563.
Tamara Patzer is a certified Cross Channel Marketing Professional and is recognized around the world as an authority on Web Marketing for local business. She is the dean of Mass Communication Marketing at Total Audience Market Immersion, TAMI LLC. A long-time Englewood area resident, Tamara Patzer helps clients around the world create a deep and wide online footprint to get found online. She is the No. 1 best selling author of Ask Tami: Pinterest for Local Business* and Ask Tami: A Logbook of 365+ Social Media Tips, Tricks and Tools.

*Tamara's book debuted at No. 1 on Amazon' s Hot New Releases for Advertising.

Editor: You may call Tamara Patzer for more information, 941-421-6563

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