How to Get the Most From Millennial Employees
Generational stereotypes abound; we Boomers have lots of 'em ("the me generation" is one), as do Millennials (also known as GenY) - those graduating from college from roughly 2003 to 2018 ...
As with ours, theirs are part earned, part myth: arriving at job
interviews in flip-flops, inquiring immediately about telecommuting
policies, expecting quick and painless moves up the corporate ladder.

As just one of many studies done on this generation shows (this is a very studied group), in a 2014 National Professionalism Survey
by Pennsylvania’s Center for Professional Excellence, one-third of
professors and HR professionals cited a decline in professional behavior
(this included failing to project a professional image, dressing
inappropriately for work, and inappropriate use of social media).
gleaned through these myriad studies can help we Boomers more easily -
and productively - supervise and/or co-exist with them.
Here's 5...