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Marketers Give Boomers the Shaft...

03 May 2014 | Posted Under Boomers

Ageism is alive and well in most product manufacturing circles - eg we're being given the shaft.

Here's why, and why it matters to us.

If we believe what we see in product advertisements, we Boomers barely exist. Which is absurd even on its face: the mere size of our generation alone makes us hard to ignore.  But when it comes to major advertisers, ignore us they do unless they’re marketing any item for the aged (think bladder control and osteoporosis). 


Why is this a problem, you say?  Because if marketers think we don’t count, that means the product and service sectors they represent also think we don’t count…which is why you see most products geared to young people…not us.


The result: the very products we need and use are being designed to meet the needs of a younger consumer, from packaging print that requires a microscope to read, to hotels designed to look quite hip at the expense of comfort – great for kids, bad for us…  Ageism.

And you know, given the statistics, you’d think every product on the planet would be trying to get our business…after all:

  • Boomers spend a whopping $2.3 trillion annually on goods and services; that’s $400 Billion more than any other age group
  • We hold 65% of all disposable income

Sadly, however, the vast majority of products & services glorify youth while peripheralizing us….in fact, according to most product manufacturers and the 30 y.o. marketing geniuses they hire, we Boomers’ lives boil down to such things as…

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