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What is the World of 3.0?

What is the World of 3.0?

Mar 17, 2014

(Written by Guest Blogger: Stan Schultes, Co-Founder, Spark Growth & BarCamp Sarasota-


Imagine a world where change is the norm, and the rate of change is continually increasing. A world where the American Dream of our parents and grandparents – to get an education, graduate to a career of security, buy a house and raise a family, work until a certain age and retire comfortably, all while having company-paid health coverage – is all but gone.

This is a world where the rules of business are different, more entrepreneurial. The business plan is obsolete and being able to articulate what your business model is, having the right team to execute it, and being able to rapidly pivot and adapt your business is the new way.

Companies are leaner, more global, are giving up their offices, and employees are located far away from one another. You can even use some form of crowd-funding to finance your venture.

In many ways, changes in technology are driving change in business. There are many online tools and marketplaces that make it very inexpensive and easy to put up a website, accept payments, market and sell your product, and even design and manufacture it. The cost of entry into new markets is plummeting, advantage in time to market is rapidly being lost, and new ways of thinking and acting can change or kill an entire industry, almost overnight.

The internet itself is changing - web 1.0 was about static info and web 2.0 was about interactivity. Web 3.0 is about information being pushed to you based on your interests - whether you set your preferences or an entity monitoring your online activity determines your behavior and reacts accordingly. This all affects our privacy as we have become virtual sieves of information through social media and what credit card companies, shopping networks, and even your internet service provider know about what you do.

Education is in a revolution – away from structured and rote instruction toward multi-modal learning with a focus on critical thinking and problem solving. Look too at how the digital natives study - they often don't even have books. They're surfing the web, listening to music, chatting with multiple friends, watching a movie, and checking social media - ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Multi-tasking is a new reality, and part of the competition.

There are many other examples – the coming health care revolution, the growth of languages other than English for business, science and technology. In many places, the traditional majority ethnic and language groups are becoming minorities, which will have broad political and societal impacts over time.

Today we have a greater responsibility in realizing our dreams – we are expected to discover the rules and make the best of them for ourselves. The new economy requires us to constantly remake ourselves and find new ways of doing business to stay relevant. Do we have what it takes? Time will tell, but know that it's not business as usual any more. Opportunities abound in the new realities - we need to learn to recognize them as such, and seize them as they come. The world of 3.0 - are you ready? If so, join the Tampa Bay Partnership and Spark Growth for the 2014 Regional Leadership Conference next month in Bradenton.

Click here for more information on how you can become a part of the "Kaleidoscope Effect" and work together with business leaders from throughout the eight-county Tampa Bay region to help transform our communities into the world of 3.0. Seats are limited so be sure to purchase your ticket today!

For more details and sponsorship opportunities, contact:

Lindsey Parks
Program & Events Project Coordinator
Tampa Bay Partnership
(813) 872-2806

To learn more about LinktoEXPERT, contact Tina Sarnoff, Relationship Manager, at (727) 443-4193 (Direct) (888) 791-7338 (Toll Free), or via e-mail at

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